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Technology Solutions Brokerage

We are a technology solutions brokerage dedicated to connecting you with the best solutions for your business needs. Our team of experts is committed to helping you navigate the complex world of technology and find the solutions that will help your business thrive. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.
Our Solutions

Our Solutions

At SolutionsDotCom, we offer a wide range of technology solutions to help your organisation stay ahead of the curve. From cloud solutions to managed IT services, we have the expertise to provide you with the solutions you need to succeed.

Battery Energy Storage Systems

Nebulosity Cloud.png

Nebulosity has accessed patented technology from Tni Energy that has revolutionised
Battery Energy Storage Systems.

Using recycled batteries we deliver over 100% improved TCO over Lithium when deploying industrial battery technology due to patented technology.



AI Email Security

AI enabled Email security platform that delivers improved results via automation.

Lower your SOC operating costs with Abnormal automations and replace your email gateways.

AWS & Azure Optimisation Tools

To fully embrace public cloud providers like Microsoft and AWS several roadblock provide obstcals and these can lead to unforeseen costs and challenging work arounds. Our solutions enable you to leverage the cloud while containing costs.

Underwater Datacentres

Underwater Datacentres can reduce your capex by over 60% and Opex by 40%. While achieving better environmental standards.

Security Education & Awareness

KnowBe4 Logo-Color-LG.png

The worlds leading platform for improved organisational security. Create a human firewall.

More To Come

Vendor Services

Paul Thompson (Founder)

With over 20 years experience in sales, I have worked with global vendors to gain early adoption across Government and Enterprise verticals.

Backed by a virtual team, SolutionsDotCom provides lead generation solutions and professional services to support client adoption of new technologies. We do this by digital marketing and an appointment setting team that calls prospects to attend a demonstration or webinar.

We also attend conferences and vendor showcases such as AWS Cloud Day, Cyber Security Summits and Governance & Risk Conventions to represent vendors. Services include arranging a vendor stand and manning this with promotional materials to drive market awareness and generate leads.

  • LinkedIn

Terms & Conditions

All services and products supplied by SolutionsDotCom Limited (“SolutionsDotCom”) to the Client are supplied subject to the following Terms and Conditions.  Where Services are supplied under a Statement of Work signed by SolutionsDotCom and the Client and the clauses of the Statement of Work conflict with these Terms and Conditions then the clauses of that Statement of Work shall take priority over these Term and Conditions.  
2.1        Both Parties’ obligations  
Both Parties agree to:  

  1. act in good faith and demonstrate honesty, integrity, openness and accountability in their dealings with each other 

  2. discuss matters affecting the delivery of the Services, whenever necessary  

  3. notify each other immediately of any actual or anticipated issues that could:  

  4. significantly impact on the Services or the Charges  

  5. receive media attention, and  

  6. comply with all applicable laws and regulations.  

2.2        Client’s obligations  
The Client must:  
7. Understand the product and its suitability to meet the needs of their organisation before purchasing any solution or services. 

8. provide SolutionsDotCom with any information it has reasonably requested to enable the delivery of the Services   
9. make decisions and give approvals reasonably required by SolutionsDotCom to enable delivery of the Services. All decisions and approvals must be given within reasonable timeframes, and            
2.3        SolutionsDotCom’s obligations  
SolutionsDotCom must deliver the Services:  
10. on time and to the required performance standards or quality set out in the agreed SoW or reasonably notified by the Client to SolutionsDotCom from time to time  
11. within the amounts agreed as Charges, and 
12. with due care, skill and diligence, and to the appropriate professional standard or in accordance with good industry practice as would be expected from a leading support partner in the relevant industry. 2.4         
SolutionsDotCom must:  
13. ensure that its Personnel have the necessary skills, experience, training and resources to successfully deliver the Services  
14. provide all equipment and resources necessary to deliver the Services, and  
15. comply with any codes of conduct notified by the Client to SolutionsDotCom from time to time.  
2.5       If SolutionsDotCom is at the Client’s premises, SolutionsDotCom must observe the Client’s policies and procedures, including those relating to health and safety, and security requirements. The Client must communicate to SolutionsDotCom in writing the relevant policies and procedures. 
2.7        If the nature of the Services requires it, SolutionsDotCom will deliver Services:  
16. in a manner that is culturally appropriate for Māori, Pacific and other ethnic or indigenous groups, and  
17. that respects the personal privacy and dignity of all participants and stakeholders.  
3. Software  
3.1        3rd Party Vendor Terms and Conditions, Warrenties 
18. SolutionsDotCom is an authorised reseller of all Software we represent.  
19. The Vendors' software warranties and conditions are separate from those of SolutionsDotCom and any variation must be negotiated separately.  

4.1        Charges & invoices  
The Charges are the total maximum amount payable by the Client to SolutionsDotCom for delivery of the Services. Charges include Fees and, where agreed, Expenses and Daily Allowances.  
4.2        SolutionsDotCom must provide valid tax invoices for all Charges upon completion of the services or delivery of the goods.  The Client has no obligation to pay the Charges set out on an invoice, which is not a valid tax invoice.  A valid a tax invoice must:  
20. clearly show all sales taxes if any due  
21. be in United States Dollars currency unless otherwise stated 
22. be clearly marked ‘Tax invoice’  
23. contain SolutionsDotCom’s name, address and business number,  
24. contain the Client’s name and address and be marked for the person named in a Statement of Work or Purchase Order  
25. state the date the invoice was issued  
26. provide a description of the Services supplied, including the amount of time spent in the delivery of the Services if payment is based on an Hourly Fee Rate or Daily Fee Rate  
27. contain the Client’s contract reference or purchase order number if there is one  
28. state the Charges due, calculated correctly, and  
29. be supported by sales tax receipts if Expenses are claimed.  
4.3        If the Client receives a valid tax invoice, the Client must pay that tax invoice 7 days from the invoice date. The Client’s obligation to pay is subject to clauses 4.1 and  4.2.  
4.4        If the Client disputes a tax invoice or any part of a tax invoice that complies with clause 4.2, the Client must notify SolutionsDotCom within 5 Business Days of the date of receipt of the tax invoice. The Client must pay the portion of the tax invoice that is not in dispute. The Client may withhold payment of the disputed portion until the dispute is resolved.  
5.1        Information and Records  
SolutionsDotCom will:  
30. keep and maintain Records in accordance with prudent business practice and all applicable laws  
31. make sure the Records clearly identify all relevant time and Expenses incurred in providing the Services  
32. make sure the Records are easy to access, and  
33. keep the Records safe.  
5.2       SolutionsDotCom will give information to the Client relating to the Services that the Client reasonably requests. All information provided by SolutionsDotCom will be in a format that is usable by the Client and delivered within a reasonable time of the request.  
5.3        SolutionsDotCom will co-operate with the Client to provide information immediately if the information is required by the Client to comply with an enquiry or its statutory, parliamentary, or other reporting obligations.  
5.4        SolutionsDotCom will make its Records available to the Client for 7 years after the end of the financial year to which they relate (unless already provided to the Client earlier).  
5.5        SolutionsDotCom will make sure that Records provided by the Client or created for the Client, are securely managed and securely destroyed on their disposal.  
6.1        Independent contractor  
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions constitutes a legal relationship between the Parties of partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment. SolutionsDotCom is responsible for the liability of its own, and its Personnel’s, salary, wages, holiday or redundancy payments and any sales tax, corporate, personal and withholding taxes, insurance premiums or other levies attributable to SolutionsDotCom’s business or the engagement of its staff or contractors.  
6.2        Neither Party can represent the other  
Neither Party has authority to bind or represent the other Party in any way or for any purpose.  
6.3        Permission to transfer rights or obligations  
Neither party may transfer any of its rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions only if it has the other party’s prior written approval.  Neither party will unreasonably withhold its approval.  
7.1        Rules about subcontracting  
SolutionsDotCom reserves the right to subcontract the provision of services at its descression.   
7.2        SolutionsDotCom’s responsibilities  
SolutionsDotCom is responsible for ensuring the suitability of any Subcontractor and the Subcontractor’s capability and capacity to deliver that aspect of the Services being subcontracted.  
7.3        SolutionsDotCom must ensure that:  
34. each Subcontractor is fully aware of SolutionsDotCom’s obligations under these Terms and Conditions, and  
35. any subcontract it enters into is on terms that are consistent with these Terms and Conditions.  
7.4        SolutionsDotCom continues to be responsible for delivering the Services under these Terms and Conditions even if aspects of the Services are subcontracted.  
8.1        Avoiding Conflicts of Interest  
SolutionsDotCom warrants that as at the Start Date, it has no Conflict of Interest in providing the Services.  
8.2        SolutionsDotCom will do its best to avoid situations that may lead to a Conflict of Interest arising.  
8.3        Commitment to inform the Client  
SolutionsDotCom will inform the Client immediately, and in writing, if any Conflict of Interest arises in relation to the Services.  If a Conflict of Interest does arise the Parties will discuss, agree and record in writing whether it can be managed and, if so, how it will be managed. Each Party must pay its own costs in relation to managing a Conflict of Interest.  
9.1        Steps to resolving disputes  
The Parties agree to use their best endeavours to resolve any dispute or difference that may arise under these Terms and Conditions. The following process will apply to disputes:  
9.1.a - Each Party will notify the other if it considers a matter is in dispute  
9.1.b - An assigned Director of SolutionsDotCom will attempt to resolve the dispute through direct negotiation with the nominated Senior Manager of the Client, and  
9.1.c - If the senior managers have not resolved the dispute within 10 Business Days of it being referred to them, the Parties shall refer the dispute to mediation or some other form of alternative dispute resolution.

9.2        If a dispute is referred to mediation, the mediation will be conducted:  
9.2.a - by a single mediator agreed by the Parties or if they cannot agree, appointed by the Chair of LEADR NZ Inc.  
9.2.b - on the terms of the LEADR NZ Inc. standard mediation agreement, and  
9.2.c - at a fee to be agreed by the Parties or if they cannot agree, at a fee determined by the Chair of LEADR NZ Inc.

9.3        Each Party will pay its own costs of mediation or alternative dispute resolution under this clause 9.  
9.4        Obligations during a dispute  
If there is a dispute, each Party will continue to perform its obligations under these Terms and Conditions as far as practical given the nature of the dispute.  
9.5        Taking court action  
Each Party agrees not to start any court action in relation to a dispute until it has complied with the process described in clause 9.1, unless court action is necessary to preserve a Party’s rights.  
10.1      Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights  
Pre-existing Intellectual Property Rights remain the property of their current owner.  
10.2     New Intellectual Property Rights in the Deliverables become the property of the Client when they are created.  
10.3     SolutionsDotCom grants to the Client a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide and royalty-free licence to use, for any purpose, all Intellectual Property Rights in the Deliverables that are not owned by the Client. This licence includes the right to use, copy, modify and distribute the Deliverables.  
10.4     SolutionsDotCom indemnity  
SolutionsDotCom warrants that it is legally entitled to do the things stated in clause 10.3 with the Intellectual Property Rights in the Deliverables.  
10.5     SolutionsDotCom warrants that Pre-existing and New Intellectual Property Rights provided by SolutionsDotCom and incorporated in the Services and Deliverables do not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.  
10.6     SolutionsDotCom indemnifies the Client in respect of any expenses, damage or liability incurred by the Client in connection with any third party claim that the delivery of the Services or Deliverables to the Client or the Client’s use of them, infringes a third party’s rights. This indemnity is not subject to any limitation or cap on liability that may be stated elsewhere in these Terms and Conditions.  
11.1      Protection of Confidential Information  
Each Party confirms that it has adequate security measures to safeguard the other Party’s Confidential Information from unauthorised access or use by third parties, and that it will not use or disclose the other Party’s Confidential Information to any person or organisation other than:  
11.1.a - to the extent that use or disclosure is necessary for the purposes of providing the Deliverables or Services or in the case of the Client using the Deliverables or Services  
11.1.b - if the other Party gives prior written approval to the use or disclosure  
11.1.c - if the use or disclosure is required by law (including under the Official Information Act 1982), Ministers or parliamentary convention, or  
11.1.d. in relation to disclosure, if the information has already become public, other than through a breach of the obligation of confidentiality by one of the Parties.

Obligation to inform staff  
Each Party will ensure that its Personnel:  
11.2.a - are aware of the confidentiality obligations in these Terms and Conditions, and  
11.2.b - do not use or disclose any of the other Party’s Confidential Information except as allowed by these Terms and Conditions.  
12.1     No fault if failure due to an Extraordinary Event  
Neither Party will be liable to the other for any failure to perform its obligations under these Terms and Conditions where the failure is due to an Extraordinary Event.  
12.2     Obligations of the affected Party  
A Party who wishes to claim suspension of its obligations due to an Extraordinary Event must notify the other Party as soon as reasonably possible. The Notice must state:  
12.2.a - the nature of the circumstances giving rise to the Extraordinary Event  
12.2.b - the extent of that Party’s inability to perform under these Terms and Conditions  
12.2.c - the likely duration of that non-performance, and  
12.2.d - what steps are being taken to minimise the impact of the Extraordinary Event on the delivery of Services.

12.3     Alternative arrangements requiring immediate termination  
If the Client, acting reasonably, requires the Services to be supplied during the period affected by an Extraordinary Event, then despite clause 12.4, the Client may terminate the Services immediately by giving Notice.  
12.4     Termination of Services  
If a Party is unable to perform any obligations under this Contract for 20 Business Days or more due to an Extraordinary Event, the other Party may terminate this Contract immediately by giving Notice.  
13.1     Waiver  
If a Party breaches these Terms and Conditions and the other Party does not immediately enforce its rights resulting from the breach that:  
52. does not mean that the Party in breach is released or excused from its obligation to perform the obligation at the time or in the future, and  
53. does not prevent the other Party from exercising its rights resulting from the breach at a later time.  
13.2 New Zealand law, currency and time  
These Terms and Conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of New Zealand. All money is in United States dollars unless othewise stated. Dates and times are New Zealand time unless otherwise stated.  
13.4     Clauses that remain in force  
The clauses that by their nature should remain in force on expiry or termination of Services do so, including clauses 5 (Information management), 9 (Resolving disputes), 10 (Intellectual Property Rights), 11 (Confidential Information), 13 (General) and 14 (Definitions).  
14.1     When used in these Terms and Conditions the following terms have the meaning beside them:  
Business Day: A day when most businesses are open for business in New Zealand. It excludes Saturday, Sunday, and public A Business Day starts at 8.30am and ends at 5pm.  
Client: The Client is the purchaser of the Services.  
Charges: The total amount payable by the Client to SolutionsDotCom. SolutionsDotCom’s Charges include Fees and any Expenses and Daily Allowances.  
Confidential Information: Consists of Information that:  
a. is by its nature confidential  
b. is marked by either Party as ‘confidential’, ‘in confidence’, ‘restricted’ or ‘commercial in confidence’  
c. is provided by either Party or a third party ‘in confidence’  
d. either Party knows or ought to know is confidential, or  
e. is of a sensitive nature or commercially sensitive to either Party.  
Conflict of Interest: A Conflict of Interest arises if a Party or its Personnel’s personal or business interests or obligations do or could conflict or be perceived to conflict with its obligations under this Contract. It means that its independence, objectivity or impartiality can be called into question. A Conflict of Interest may be:  
a. actual: where the conflict currently exists  
b. potential: where the conflict is about to happen or could happen, or  
c. perceived: where other people may reasonably think that a person is compromised.  
Daily Allowance: An allowance to cover accommodation, meals and incidentals for SolutionsDotCom’s Personnel if they are required in order to deliver the Services or to travel overnight away from their normal place of business. The amount of any Daily Allowance must be agreed by the parties in advance of being incurred. A Daily Allowance is similar to a per diem.  
Daily Fee Rate: If SolutionsDotCom’s fee rate is expressed as a Daily Fee Rate this is the fee payable for each day spent in the delivery of Services. A day is a maximum of 8 working hours.  
Deliverables: A tangible output resulting from the delivery of Services.  A deliverable may be a document, a piece of equipment, goods, information or data stored by any means including all copies and extracts of the same.  
Expenses: Any actual and reasonable out-of-pocket costs incurred by SolutionsDotCom in the delivery of the Services.  
Extraordinary Event: An event that is beyond the reasonable control of the Party immediately affected by the event. An Extraordinary Event does not include any risk or event that the Party claiming could have prevented or overcome by taking reasonable care. Examples include:  
a. acts of God, lightning strikes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, storms, explosions, fires, pandemics and any natural disaster  
b. acts of war (whether declared or not), invasion, actions of foreign enemies, military mobilisation, requisition or embargo  
c. acts of public enemies, terrorism, riots, civil commotion, malicious damage, sabotage, rebellion, insurrection, revolution or military usurped power or civil war, or  
d. contamination by radioactivity from nuclear substances or germ warfare or any other such hazardous properties.  
Fees: The amount payable to SolutionsDotCom for the time spent in delivery of the Services, excluding any Expenses and Daily Allowances.  
GST: The goods and services tax payable in accordance with the New Zealand Goods and Services Tax Act 1985.  
Hourly Fee Rate: If SolutionsDotCom’s fee rate is expressed as an Hourly Fee Rate this is the Fee payable for each hour spent delivering the Services.  
Intellectual Property Rights: All Intellectual Property Rights and interests, including copyright, trademarks, designs, patents and other proprietary rights, recognised or protected by law.  
New Intellectual Property Rights: Intellectual Property Rights developed after the date of this Contract and incorporated into the Deliverables.  
Notice: A formal or legal communication from one Party to the other.  
Party: The Client and SolutionsDotCom are each a Party to this Contract, and together are the Parties.  
Personnel: All individuals engaged by either Party in relation to the Services or the deliverables. Examples include: the owner of the business, its directors, employees, Subcontractors, agents, external consultants, specialists, technical support and co-opted or seconded staff.  
Pre-existing Intellectual Property Rights: Intellectual Property Rights developed before the date of this Contract. It does not cover later modifications, adaptations or additions.  
Records: All information and data necessary for the management of the Services and the deliverables. Records include, but are not limited to, reports, invoices, letters, emails, notes of meetings, photographs and other media recordings. Records can be hard copies or soft copies stored electronically.  
Services: All work, tasks and Deliverables that SolutionsDotCom will perform and deliver under this Contract.  
Subcontractor: A person, business, company or organisation contracted by SolutionsDotCom to deliver or perform part of SolutionsDotCom’s obligations under this Contract.  
Terms and Conditions: refers to these standard terms and conditions.   


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